Batı müziğinde iki sesin arası iki eşit parçaya bölünmektedir ve arada kalan ses diyez ya da bemol ifadeleriyle tanımlanır. Ancak Türk Müziğinde iki notanın arası her birine koma ismi verdiğimiz 9 eşit parçaya ayrılmaktadır. 1,4,5 ve 8 komanın özel isimleri ve harfleri(rumuz) vardır. Makamları ortaya çıkaracak olan dörtlü ve beşliler oluşturulurken bu isimler ve harflerden yararlanılır.
Johannes Brahms
Johannes Brahms' original version was composed in German:
Guten Abend, gute Nacht, mit Rosen bedacht,
Mit Näglein besteckt, schlüpf unter die Deck!'
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt
Guten Abend, gute Nacht, von Englein bewacht
Die zeigen im Traum, dir Christkindleins Baum
Schlaf nun selig und süß, schau im Traum 's Paradies
Schlaf nun selig und süß, schau im Traum 's Paradies
A close English translation of which is:
Good evening, and good night, with roses adorned,
With carnations covered, slip under the covers.
Early tomorrow, if God wills, you will wake once again.
Early tomorrow, if God wills, you will wake once again.
Good evening, and good night. By angels watched,
Who show you in your dream the Christ-child's tree.
Sleep now peacefully and sweetly, see the paradise in your dream.
Sleep now peacefully and sweetly, see the paradise in your dream.
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Celine Dion Brahms' lullaby
Johannes Brahms – Lullaby ( Wiegenlied )
Elisabeth Schumann - Brahms' Lullaby(Wiegenlied) (1937)
Staged bells - Brahms' Lullaby - Bölcsődal - Wiegenlied
Johannes Brahms' original version was composed in German:
Guten Abend, gute Nacht, mit Rosen bedacht,
Mit Näglein besteckt, schlüpf unter die Deck!'
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt
Guten Abend, gute Nacht, von Englein bewacht
Die zeigen im Traum, dir Christkindleins Baum
Schlaf nun selig und süß, schau im Traum 's Paradies
Schlaf nun selig und süß, schau im Traum 's Paradies
A close English translation of which is:
Good evening, and good night, with roses adorned,
With carnations covered, slip under the covers.
Early tomorrow, if God wills, you will wake once again.
Early tomorrow, if God wills, you will wake once again.
Good evening, and good night. By angels watched,
Who show you in your dream the Christ-child's tree.
Sleep now peacefully and sweetly, see the paradise in your dream.
Sleep now peacefully and sweetly, see the paradise in your dream.
eşLiği buRadan ( downLoad ) indirebiLirsiniz
Celine Dion Brahms' lullaby
Johannes Brahms – Lullaby ( Wiegenlied )
Elisabeth Schumann - Brahms' Lullaby(Wiegenlied) (1937)
Staged bells - Brahms' Lullaby - Bölcsődal - Wiegenlied